A lire en ligne, le numéro de Republics of Letters autour de John Pocock et du républicanisme atlantique. On regrettera que la séparation des traditions jusnaturalistes et républicaines, qui est la principale limite des thèses de John Pocock, ne soit pas abordée.
Articles de John Pocock (The Atlantic Republican Tradition: The Republic of the Seven Provinces), Margaret Jacob (Was the Eighteenth-Century Republican Essentially Anticapitalist?), Jacob Soll (J. G. A. Pocock’s Atlantic Republicanism Thesis Revisited: The Case of John Adams’s Tacitism), Matthew Kadane (Anti-Trinitarianism and the Republican Tradition in Enlightenment Britain), Matthew Crow (Jefferson, Pocock, and the Temporality of Law in a Republic), Catherine Secretan (“True Freedom” and the Dutch Tradition of Republicanism), Luc Foisneau (Governing a Republic: Rousseau’s General Will and the Problem of Government) et Thomas Maissen (Why Did the Swiss Miss the Machiavellian Moment? History, Myth, Imperial and Constitutional Law in the Early Modern Swiss Confederation).

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