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Révolution Française

A republican call for a basic income   Actuel

Par Daniel Raventos, Université de Barcelone

Republicanism offers a persuasive guide to the political shaping of markets. A basic income could be the foundation of a democratic republican economy that frees all citizens from the commodification of labour.
There is no such thing as “the market economy”. Markets come in many varieties and their character is a matter of political choice. Saying that a market is politically shaped is simply to state the obvious, namely that any economic market is first political and then economic. A politics-free market does not exist in the real world outside of standard economics text-books or, paradoxically perhaps, in the prevarication of politicians who deny its political component precisely for political reasons.
So, if markets are irreducibly political, we need to ask what values should guide their political construction. The Democratic Wealth series has given much attention to ‘republicanism’ as a philosophical tradition which might serve as a source of guidance (see, for example, these contributions from Alex Gourevitch, José Luis Martí and Philip Pettit).
But which republicanism?

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Le débat politique, la Terreur et Robespierre   Actuel

Deux articles d'Antoine Bourguilleau parus sur Slate.fr :

La chasse aux terroristes (de 1793) : "Alors que, nous fêtons, si l’on peut dire, le 220e anniversaire de la création du Tribunal révolutionnaire et du Comité de salut public, le vocabulaire et les références à la Terreur sont omniprésents dans l'actualité politique française. Mais que savons-nous vraiment de cette période ?"
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Robespierre, un moralisateur incompris : "Qu'il s'agisse de parler de fiscalité ou de transparence, «l'Incorruptible», repoussoir ou modèle, est souvent cité dans le débat politique français. Le plus souvent n’importe comment."
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