Bonnet de 
la liberté

Révolution Française

Making Sense of Thomas Paine   En ligne

A l'occasion du bicentenaire de la mort de Thomas Paine, le numéro 4 de la revue en ligne Common Place (juillet 2009) lui consacre un dossier : textes de J. M. Opal ("Common Sense and Imperial Atrocity"), Matteo Battistini ("Radical Revisions") et Nathalie Caron ("Debating Freedom of Speech and Conscience").

A Revolution in Fiction: the Navigation of Feeling   En ligne

A Revolution in Fiction is designed as a collaborative weblog to encourage exchanges among literature, history, art history, and the human sciences across the ages, and more particulary during the French Revolution.

Revolution Now: We hope to explore and publicize new findings about French revolutionary art, literature, and culture, and to inspire more research on the little-known, transitional period between the ancien régime and modernity (1780-1830).

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